Xbox 360 Title Updates Download Database

Jan 12, 2010 - Like all game consoles, there are occasional updates to add new features such as. Networking Virtualization Databases. In order to get these firmware updates for your Xbox, you normally would download them from Xbox Live. How do you update your Xbox 360 without an Internet connection or a.

Got an Xbox 360? I’ve had one for a pretty long time and I love it! Like all game consoles, there are occasional updates to add new features such as social networking tools like Facebook, Twitter, etc. or the ability to play different types of files.

In order to get these firmware updates for your Xbox, you normally would download them from Xbox Live. Xbox Live has two types of offerings, free and Gold Membership.

The free version gets you free game demos, game add-ons, games on demand, arcade games, avatars, and voice/text chat. The Gold Membership gives you Facebook, Twitter,, streaming Netflix, video chat, and Xbox Live parties.

In either version, you get firmware updates for your hardware to increase performance or update certain software features. With Xbox Live, when you sign in using your Gamertag, you are automatically notified of any new updates.

However, what if you do not use Xbox Live? How do you update your Xbox 360 without an Internet connection or a very slow Internet connection?

There are two ways to do this: either copy the update to a USB flash drive or download the update to your computer and then update your Xbox 360 console.

Method 1 – Download Update to Flash Drive

First, connect up a USB flash drive to your computer and make sure it has enough free space on it. Also, make sure it’s formatted as FAT32 and not NTFS.

Next download the latest update for the Xbox from here. Just scroll down to the Copy to a USB flash drive section and click on the Download the Update file link.

It’s a little over 100 MB. Make sure to not change the name of the downloaded ZIP file. Once downloaded, go ahead and extract out the zip archive to the root of your USB flash drive.

Now all you have to do is take the USB stick over to your Xbox console, plug it in and then turn on the console. It will automatically start the update program. At the prompt, select Yes, update now.

When you see the Xbox Dashboard, that means the update has been completed! Pretty easy eh!

Method 2 – Copy Update to Disc

The second way is to simply download the update from the link above and then burn the update onto a disc. Then just pop the disc into your Xbox console and the update will start automatically.

This method is useful if you have no access to the Internet. You can then burn a disc and give it to a friend or burn a disc at the office and apply the update at home, etc.

Xbox 360 title updates download database freeDownloadXbox 360 Title Updates Download Database

Jtag Title Updates

Those are basically the only two ways to update an Xbox that is not connected to the Internet! If you have any problems, post a comment here and I will try to help.

I have an XBox 360 that hasn't been connected to a network for about three years. I finally got around to hooking it up today. It downloaded a bunch of updates and I created an XBox Live account (just a standard one, not Gold).

However, I can't seem to get it to update any of the games. As in, there's no notification that an update is available, even after starting a game. I know they're not updated because, for example, the radios in Portal don't 'receive transmissions' ;)

The network setup is a little non-standard: I configured my laptop to bridge the XBox ethernet to the household wireless. But since it downloaded the system updates and confirmed the XBox Live account, I figure that connectivity is not the problem. If it matters, the dashboard version is 2.0.14719.0

How do I prompt the XBox to update my games? How do I tell if a particular game has been updated?


2 Answers

When you log into Xbox Live and then load a game, you'll be automatically prompted to download updates to the game, if they are available. If you refuse, you'll be signed out of Xbox Live for the session.

Xbox 360 Title Updates Download Database Windows 10

Note that most Valve games that got special PC updates don't get those updates on the Xbox 360 - I'm pretty sure that the 'potato sack' and/or 'Portal 2 ARG' updates weren't released for the Xbox 360. Also, almost all the TF2 content that Valve's released to-date is unavailable on the Orange Box for Xbox 360. Just to kick you while you're down, you have to pay money for the L4D/L4D2 expansion packs on Xbox 360, where they're free on PC.


Game updates should be automatic when you load the game. If something in your setup has caused a game update to get lost, you could try clearing your system cache.


protected by FrankNov 22 '14 at 21:33

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